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FAQ Page

What is MJ CART?

MJ CART is responsive virtuemart Joomla template.

What Joomla version it supports?

It supports Joomla 1.5 and Joomla2.5

How does it benefit my Joomla site?

Since more and more users are accessing internet from mobiles, it is absoulte necessary for webmasters to offer mobile version of their site. Using Mj CART template you can offer visitors mobile/tablet version of your site.

How does it works?

Mj CART uses bootstrap framework. It detects device type and size and optimizes Joomla content according to device screen size.

Does the site visitor has to take any action to see mobile version of site?

Site visitor doesn't need to take any special action to access mobile website. They just types regular url in mobile browser and instantly sees mobile optimized Joomla site.

Does it supports orientations?

It does support landscape and portrait views in smart phones and tablets

What languages are supported?

Right now it is only supporting English, Spanish, Italian and German language but our next version will support more languages.

Does it work with third party extensions?

It may or may not. If the extensions provider also uses responsive design concept then it may work.

What if I have problem installing the template on my site?

You can search in support forums for the issue you are facing. If you do not find similar problem then you can raise your issue in forum.

How can I install it on my site?

You can also check the installation guide.

Is MJ CART actively supported?

MJ CART is actively supported and it will aslo be compatible with Joomla 3.0 when it is launched.